Make physical keys and cards a thing of the past. With the dormakaba integration, occupiers can use the Spaceflow app for mobile access. In order to use the dormakaba virtual cards, the landlord needs to distribute the activation codes to the occupiers or tenant representatives and assign permissions in the dormakaba master system.
Make physical keys and cards a thing of the past. With the dormakaba integration, occupiers can use the Spaceflow app for mobile access.
In order to use the dormakaba virtual cards, the landlord needs to distribute the activation codes to the occupiers or tenant representatives and assign permissions in the dormakaba master system.
As one of the top three companies in the industry, dormakaba offers a wide range of products, solutions, and services for secure access to buildings and rooms from a single source. The company with 160 years of experience and 15,000 employees is represented in over 130 countries worldwide.