CA Immo is a real estate company traded on the Vienna Stock Exchange, with subsidiaries in six countries in the CEE and DACH regions. Its core business involves letting, managing and developing office buildings.
CA Immo’s portfolio in Prague is primarily represented by five class A office properties within the hip, fast-growing district Prague 8 which is referred to as the Riverside Karlín complex, and the Kavčí Hory Office Park in Prague 4, by far the largest property of the local portfolio with 42,000 sqm.
From 2017 to today, the Spaceflow app has been launched to cover all of these buildings in CA Immo's Prague portfolio.
The original goal was to unify the Riverside Karlín buildings into a single connected presence. This would allow the community to grow and communication channels to develop between the physical structures of the five buildings. Additionally, CA Immo was looking for a way to connect the occupants of the buildings with the services and vendors available on the ground floor.
By bringing employees in Riverside Karlín buildings into a series of participatory workshops, we refined a vision for a cohesive community approach, a pattern of events and a number of ways for local property managers to engage their tenants over the long term.
Throughout the years, CA Immo's goals and priorities have evolved, focusing even more on elevating the overall indoor environment, experience, health and digitization. Today, CA Immo has a well-established community & wellbeing program.
Through the program Spaceflow and CA Immo property managers continuously nourish occupiers with activities, challenges, events and more that align with the needs of tenants.
The overall goal is increasing community engagement and involvement in the building management, learning tenants' needs & expectations via polls to be able to act on them, and getting new users on the Spaceflow app.
Through the Spaceflow app, property management is able to inform office managers as well as regular employees with the latest updates and informative, local and witty content. With the tenant experience app, the occupants of each Riverside Karlín building can network, attend events, get informed about important building-related information and reserve services in the buildings.
"There is a need to inform our clients and their employees immediately and distribute news and events not only to contact emails but to the whole community. Spaceflow is a unique property app allowing us to connect retailers with office users. Spaceflow team was very open to changes in their app and modifying it based on our requirements."
Jan Baxa | Head of Asset Management, CA Immo
Technology is great, but nothing beats an in-person interaction. In order to onboard new tenants to the Spaceflow app and reconnect with the current ones, Spaceflow community managers regularly collaborate with CA Immo's property managers to organize events. This allows tenants to meet the faces behind the work, and share their feedback and suggestions about the digital journey that they're in at CA Immo's properties.
In Q4 2022, the Christmas events in all Riverside Karlín buildings helped onboard 9 new companies, inform 430 occupiers and increased user interaction 6 times more!
"We appreciate the activities organized by Spaceflow, which are always perfect opportunities for all the tenants in Riverside Karlín to meet in person. Also, it is a great occasion for them to share their experiences, feedback, and ideas for future plans, and also to exchange contacts with each other. We believe that the tenants themselves appreciate these possibilities."
Elena Janosikova | Senior Property Manager, CBRE
In the two newest additions to Riverside Karlín, Mississippi House and Missouri Park tenants benefit from the mobile access. Thanks to Spaceflow’s integration to HID, occupiers are able to use just the mobile for opening doors and turnstiles, access elevators and the specific floors as well as their own workplace.
Employees moving around the buildings can interact with the readers without unlocking their phone and use the Twist & Go function.
Thanks to Spaceflow, properties, local companies and occupants are connected into one living ecosystem, a state that was not possible to reach previously without a sufficient digital tool.
Additionally, the property management team organizes events, charity initiatives, sport activities and opportunities to network and promotes them in the Spaceflow app. On top of that Spaceflow is curating the community program which is resulting in the flourishing conviviality in the building.
As CA Immo team claims, without the Spaceflow app, the information sharing would be fragmented, retail-tenant communication would be difficult and the tool for sharing and community engagement activities would be lacking.
What's next? Looking forward on the CA Immo's ESG and innovation journey, Spaceflow will support: