7 Ways to Support Your Community

While we are all globally stationary with ample free time we also want to support our community! And what better way than to use our interactive app.

We are now in the midst of hopefully the end of a global pandemic; meanwhile, in yet another quarantine we are hopefully able to go back to regular work sooner than later. Yet while we are all globally stationary with ample free time we also want to support our community! And what better way than to use our interactive app.

Spaceflow’s initiative is to accommodate tenants and landlords through community posts and direct messaging within the app. We want to make accessible as much information and resources as we can for everyone to participate in self-isolation healthily.

Some of the features within the app will help keep you social, and sane so you know you remember that you are not alone these days.

1. Create/join an event in your building

Isolation may be dull, but it’s fertile ground for the imagination. Take advantage of these days by starting or joining a virtual event on the Spaceflow app. It’s easy to do, just login and create/join a virtual event that you’re interested in participating in. It could be anything from teaching others how to properly meditate on Zoom or teaching yoga, to playing an instrument with an audience who logs on via live chat. Have your network watch a movie at a certain hour of the day, that way while at least you're solitary you find comfort in the fact that everyone is participating with you. Be creative, and be social. Utilize the features to create a social network during these uncertain days.

2. Support local businesses

Your community needs you! If you can, shop locally whether it’s through nearby businesses that are open or by going to local food and vegetable stores. Also remember to continue to shop locally, especially when the market goes back up. Local businesses will still be counting on you to propel them when everyone goes back to work. Family-owned businesses and neighborhood shops will inevitably need your help this year more than ever.

3. Share resources

Sure bartering is a system that we’ve replaced with stock, money and bonds, but now that we are living through an unprecedented historical moment - consider your resources as a way of trading with your neighbors. And don’t be stingy, remember we’re all this together! And be creative too. If you have a book you’ve already read, maybe your neighbor has a piece of cake they’d be willing to trade with you. Also, be mindful and careful with sanitizing and keeping things clean.

4. Volunteer your services

Are you concerned about the safety of the elderly nearby? Do you know friends who have grandparents living near you? Offer your service to help those around you by either going to the grocery store for supplies or taking the trash out for someone who needs an extra hand, whoever that may be. But remember to use gloves and take precautionary steps. Post your availability and your service on the app and see who responds.

5. Donate to causes, charities and fundraisers

If you have the surplus, look for hospitals or charities that are in need. Do your research, and ask your community on the app if anyone knows of anyone raising money for a special cause. Who knows who you could help!

6. Share good news

Perhaps you’ve seen John Krasinski’s show: ‘Some Good News’ or ‘Tank’s good news’ site - but you want to also participate in sharing good content online. Why not find something good that you too can share on the app with those in your community. Share a good story, a nice deed of a friend, or a service you’re offering so people can remember that there are good things still occurring in the world.

7. Volunteer at a grocery shopping store

This might not be for everyone, but if you are physically up for it - give those hard workers a break and ask if they might need some help with loading, cleaning, or monitoring their stores. This is a creative way of helping out but also of getting out of the house for a couple of hours.

The point is, that we want you to be mentally and physically healthy while utilizing our app to the fullest. We invite you to take advantage of every event you can virtually take part in, and send messages to others in your building.